神谷謙伯 profile
神道に古来より伝わる 「魂振」 「ムスビ」 「惟神」 の思想と、欧州に伝わるアカデミックなスピリチュアリズムが融合された独自の理法で、クライアントの抱える本質的・根源的問題を一瞬で感じ取り、魂の根底・根源から癒す最高のヒーリングを行っている。
*「魂振」 たまふり : 魂を外から揺することにより魂に活力を与え再生させる
*「ムスビ」 : 天地・万物を生成・発展・完成させる霊的な働きをいう
*「惟神」 かんながら : 天地自然の理に随い生きること
Kanetomo Kamiya
Medium & Healer
From early childhood Kanetomo had the ability to see, sense and hear spirit people, experiencing many paranormal and transpersonal phenomena. He is naturally gifted with psychic, mediumistic and healing abilities as well as tremendous connection to the nature spirits (dryads, deva, elemental beings) that manifest in multiple forms in the great nature: rocks, trees, rivers, places.
Kanetomo has also unique background as a devoted initiate of Japanese Samurai’s traditional and classical martial arts since his early childhood, which training seeks to fuse body, mind, spirit and weapons into something more than the sum of these parts. Its orthodoxy prescribes an education process centered cultivating understanding and intuition, and polishing the spirit.
As he advanced in his path under the expert tutelage of the great legends of the classical martial art which is deeply connected with Shintoism※, he increasingly turned his attentions beyond the initiatory functions as techniques of war to its deeper purpose and inner truth (core) as arts of achieving peace that is represented in the paramount teaching (cabala) and yet the greatest moral laws of “Acceptance and Resorption” , ultimately arriving at realization and understanding of the fundamental principles of the Universe.
※ Shintoism: Indigenous religion in Japan, in which "spirits", "essences" or "gods", referring to the energy generating the phenomena, are worshipped. It is believed that those divinities or sacred essences manifest in multiple forms in the mount, rocks, trees, rivers, places. It is also believed that even people also possess the same nature of God within themselves.
While pursuing path of classical martial art, he also dedicated himself to the mastery of esoteric teachings and practices of Shintoism,because of its fundamental connection with this martial art. Eventually he learnt also esoteric essence of Taoism for years.
Although he already had a very
strong ability both as a medium
and healer, it wasn’t until he had
an extraordinary encounter with
the internationally renowned
leading psychic medium, healer &
spiritual teacher in Europe during
his business trip that he started to
realize that this was his calling.
This medium & healer recognized the talent that Kanetomo had been born with, by describing that he has already “everything and enough to be an excellent medium and healer”.
This was the start of over 10 years of study and practice as Kanetomo went on to develop his outstanding abilities as a medium and healer under the expert tutelage of this medium & healer.
During this period he honed his skills to a highly professional standard and it wasn’t long before he was working professionally in Japan and several other countries in Europe, Middle East, Asia and South America in collaboration with other leading European mediums and healers.
His unique, distinctive yet down-to-earth style of fusing esoteric teachings and core essences of ancient Shintoism with contemporary academic spiritualism in Europe enables him to identify instantaneously both physical and emotional issues clients fundamentally hold and offer the best healing to release these issues from the root of the origin.
Also his uniqueness is that he also has a very strong connection with such archangels as Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, and angels, ascended masters, fairies and nature spirits. Angelic messages and its healing energy come from a higher realm and a place of unconditional love, compassion and wisdom.
He has been bringing relief to a lot of people in many countries through the power of spiritual healing (contact healing as well as absent healing) , many of them suffering from serious mental and physical illness, especially diseases said by doctors to be “incurable”. Many of the clients, their families and people concerned often termed it “miracles of healing”.
Also hailed as highly accurate medium, messenger for the spirit world and highest realm, with the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudiene, clairsentience and trance, he gives readings to people about the loss of someone very close to them and deliver message from the loved ones like relatives friends and pets, and also their spirit guide, bringing peace of mind and helping them to live happier lives.
He gives angelic messages from higher realm as well, which are practical, relevant and will assist clients to move forward with their life.
Based on his prior careea as a highly excellent global business person who had been communicating with and travelling all over the world for
quite long period, he also provides readings and much needed advice particularly to business people too.
Kanetomo now teaches courses and workshops of mediumship as well as healing.
For more information regarding Kanetomo or booking information, please conta
4/20:スピリットとのコミュニケーションvo.1~どんな時にもガイドスピ リットや守護天使から助けを得る方法
7/28:特別セミナー 「四大天使 ・守護天使と話し、ハイアーセルフ・ガイドスピリットとつながる 」
9/29 :特別セミナー「自分の懐かしい人々(故人 スピリット)と再会しガイドスピリット・守護天使と話す」
12/1 :特別セミナー「過去世の自分と出会い 今世の生まれてきた目的・天命を知る」Vol.1
12/15 :特別セミナー「過去世の自分と出会い 今世の生まれてきた目的・天命を知る」Vol.2
3/16:第 1 回誰もが簡単にできる 自分をヒーリングする方法
4/20 :スピリットとのコミュニケーションvol.1どんな時にもガイドスピリットや守護天使から助けを得る方法」
5/25:第2回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法
7/20:第3回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法
9/18~9/24:ジュード・カリヴァン博士 / 神谷謙伯と巡るマルタトランスフォーメーション(自己変容)とイニシエーションの
11/2:『第4回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法 & 大切な人をヒーリングする方法』
11/3:『自分のガーディアン・アークエンジェル・守護大天使と 話す方法&自分の願いを叶えるための秘訣』
4/12 :『第5回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法 & 大切な人をヒーリングする方法パート2 + 特別企画 聖 地・パワースポットでスピリット・精霊を感じる力を高める方法』
5/1~5/7:ジュード・カリヴァン博士 / 神谷謙伯と巡るイスラ エル・ツアー:13のステップ トランスフォーメーショ ン(自己変 容)とイニシエーション・洗礼の旅 ― 神・ユ ニティ・コンシャスネス(統合意識)との対話と一体 化(ホールネ
ス・ワンネス)へのイニシエーション・ 洗礼遥かなる古代の叡智のこだまが響き渡る古代イ スラエルのパワース
ポット・聖地を巡り、神々のエネルギー・叡智と共鳴するワークショップ・イスラエル ツアー
7/19日:『第6回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法 & 大切な人をヒーリングする方法 パート3 +特別 企画 スペースクリアリング・場・空間を清める方法』
7/20:『あなたのすぐ傍にいる(アーク)エンジェル・守護天使の存在を知り、その優しく強い力を自分のために役立てる秘 訣』
11/21 :『第7回 誰もが簡単にできる・自分をヒーリングする方法 & 大切な人をヒーリングする方法パート4 +特別企画
11/22 : 『あなた自身の(アーク)エンジェル・守護大天使と出会 い、職場や家庭、プライベートの日常生活に活かす:
2015/2/25 ジュード・カリヴァン著 神谷 謙伯 監修 (アスペクト社)
2015/9/27 キム・アネ・ヤネス 神谷謙伯 著 (アスペクト社刊)
・諸国王族/国家機密関係者も命運を託す【神谷謙伯】Divine Vision.
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・キム・アネ・ヤネス & 神谷謙伯コラボレーション 『運命を読む』
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